Website User Notes – Posting


After registration, the default capability is read only, the website administrator will change this to ‘Author’ which will enable you to post articles. If for any reason I have failed to spot a registration, please feel free to submit a ‘contact’ form to wake me up – Ian. The following notes will help in the posting process. Please note that following the introduction of GDPR, it will be the responsibility of individuals uploading photographs to seek permission from any persons whose image will then be displayed on the website.

After log on :-
  • Go to the bar at the very top of the screen and select ‘New’ then ‘post’ (this is the new bit after settings changes).
  • You will get a ‘Add a New Post’ page. Enter a title
  • Select ‘Add Media’
  • New screen  – select the ‘upload files’ tab
  • New screen – select ‘select files’
  • Navigate to wherever they are on your PC and select them
  • Automatically you’ll be taken back to the media library with your file already checked – In the bottom right corner, be sure to select the size you wish your image to be displayed at e.g. ‘Thumbnail’ to ‘full size’. Select insert into post.
  • Automatically you’ll be taken back to your post with the file inserted. Add any text and hit ‘preview’ to see how it will look
  • Select ‘edit post’ on the top navigation bar to take you back to your post editing page. Either edit it further or if you are happy with it select ‘publish’ – done.

Post Formats

Posts with a Format specified will display a “pre-title” showing the Format. This helps these posts stand out. The descriptions for each Post Format describe how the post will be displayed from the blog pages. Archive pages display the post as an excerpt, but with the Format type’s titles.


The Aside Format is intended to display a short note from the author. This Format does not display the post title or category info, and puts the date and author at the bottom.

Gallery Post Format

If you check this for a post, Weaver will display this as a Gallery. When displayed on the blog page, a Gallery Format Post will display as a special excerpt that shows one thumbnail from all the images included from the Media Library. If the user clicks on the image, they will be taken to the full post with all the images.


The Link Format is intended to display links. It will be displayed like the Aside, but with Link as the title.


The Quote Format is intended for quotations. (For the language sticklers, this should be called Quotation, but Quote is the name used.). It works like any other post, but with a “Quote” pre-title.


The Status Format is intended for a short status update from the author. It displays like an Aside, but also add the Author’s avatar to the post.

Uploading multiple images:-

If the post is all about the image/photo, on the Right Hand Side be sure to select ‘Image’ or ‘Gallery’ to get the best resolution for your uploaded photos.

‘Image’ format.‘Add media’ and upload first image
Put curser after first image
‘Add media’ and upload second image
This will place the images one under the other.

‘Gallery’ format will allow selection of multiple images from the media library.
The display in the post for this format will be different with initially only one small image until you click on that to see the selected images. Gallery description above.


Feedback will determine if we want to hone the process further. regards Ian